YouTube Chapter Generator Script For After Effects

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What is YouTube Chapter Generator Script ?

before telling you what is YouTube Chapter Generator Script , YouTube Chapters is a feature that allows creators to divide their video content into different chapters, each with its own title and timestamp. Viewers can then use the chapter titles to navigate through the video and find the specific sections they are interested in.

This feature makes it easier for viewers to find and watch the parts of a video that are most relevant to them, without having to manually scroll through the entire video to find what they’re looking for. YouTube Chapters were introduced in May 2020 and have since become a popular feature among both creators and viewers.

what will do with this script

Using the YouTube Chapter Generator Script not only makes your videos more user-friendly, but also helps with SEO optimization. By breaking down your video into smaller, more easily digestible sections, you increase the likelihood of viewers watching the entire video, which can improve your engagement metrics and ultimately help your video rank higher in search results.

Overall, the YouTube Chapter Generator Script is a valuable tool for any content creator looking to improve their video’s organization and accessibility.

How to Add YouTube chapters?

way 1( with out this after effects script) :

To add chapters to your YouTube video, follow these steps:

1. First, you will need to upload your video to YouTube and wait for it to finish processing.
2. Once the video is processed, go to the video’s page on YouTube Studio.
3. Click on the “Details” tab on the left-hand side of the screen.
4. Scroll down to the “Add Video Chapter” section.
5. Enter a title for your first chapter in the “Chapter Title” field.
6. In the “Start Time” field, enter the timestamp where this chapter begins in your video.
7. Click on the “Add Chapter” button to create the first chapter.
8. Repeat steps #5-7 for each additional chapter you want to add.

Make sure that your chapters are properly labeled and accurately reflect the content within each section. Once you’ve added your chapters, viewers will be able to see them in the progress bar beneath your video and can click on each one to jump to the corresponding timestamp.

way 2( with after effects script) :

Here’s how you can use our script to add video chapters to your YouTube videos:

  1. First, open your video in your preferred video editing software.
  2. Add your video to a composition in your software.
  3. Split your video into separate sections or chapters that you want to highlight.
  4. Rename each layer in your composition with the name of the corresponding chapter.
  5. Once you’ve finished adding all your chapters, select the entire composition.
  6. Click on the “generate” button in our script.
  7. The script will automatically generate timing information for each chapter based on the length of the corresponding video layer.
  8. Copy the generated chapter timings and paste them into the description of your video on your YouTube channel.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to easily add useful and informative video chapters to your YouTube videos, making it easier for viewers to navigate and find specific sections of your content.

You can also check out our tutorial video on our channel for more detailed instructions and examples. I hope this helps!

See the tutorial on our channel :

Extra things about YouTube chapters

all videos are eligible for automatic chapters, and not all eligible videos will have automatic chapters. If the channel has any active strikes, or if the content may be inappropriate to some viewers, the video chapters feature won’t be available.

so this YouTube Chapter Generator Script will useful.

please not these things :

To add video chapters to your YouTube videos manually, follow these steps:

  1. In the description of your video, create a list of timestamps and titles for each chapter you want to include.
  2. Make sure the first timestamp you list starts with 00:00 and subsequent timestamps are listed in ascending order.
  3. Each chapter must be at least 10 seconds long.
  4. List the title of each chapter next to its corresponding timestamp.

what will happening if you include chapters

By including manual video chapters in your YouTube videos, you can improve the user experience by making it easier and quicker for viewers to find relevant information within your video. This can also help boost the visibility of your video in search results.

Keep in mind that adding manual video chapters will override any automatic chapters generated by YouTube. Make sure to test your video once you’ve added the manual chapters to ensure that they are working correctly and providing a better viewing experience for your audience.

Sure, I’d be happy to explain it in a step-by-step manner with simple and easy-to-understand language.

YouTube chapters are like bookmarks that allow viewers to quickly jump to specific parts of a video that interest them. This can greatly improve the user experience of watching a video by making it easier to find the exact information or entertainment they are looking for.

Here are some steps to help you better understand how YouTube Chapter Generator Script work:

1. When you watch a video with chapters, you’ll see a list of timestamps and titles displayed underneath the video player.

2. Each timestamp corresponds to a specific section of the video that has been marked as a chapter. The title of the chapter gives you an idea of what that section is about.

3. To navigate to a specific chapter, simply click on its timestamp in the list. This will take you directly to that section of the video.
4. You can also hover your mouse over a timestamp to get a preview of that chapter, which can help you determine if it’s the part of the video you’re looking for.


YouTube chapters make it much easier for viewers to find the information they need within a video, without having to waste time searching through the entire video. This can create a more enjoyable viewing experience and help content creators attract and retain more viewers.

You had seen Motiontill post's about " The YouTube Chapter Generator Script is a powerful tool for content creators who want to provide their viewers with an easy way to navigate through their videos. This script automatically generates timestamps and chapter titles based on the content of your video, making it easier for viewers to find specific sections." Hope you like it.
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